Dara Torres Got Milk

US Olympic Swimmer, Dara Torres, is the newest face to don a milk mustache in the popular “got milk?” campaign – joining the ranks of more than 250 actors, athletes, models and musicians who have lent their upper lips in support of milk. Torres is helping to launch a new initiative to educate women about …

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The Jagged Edge Of Jaked Results

Craig Lord of SwimNews.com posted an article on the impact of the Jaked suit on the latest competitions in Switzerland. His article seems to be a sum up of what coaches in Switzerland have to say about the suit. I swam with the suit on the 4x100m FR during Long Course Championships a few weeks ago and have to say that I didn’t find it to be so great … but maybe I’m one of the swimmers who does not equally benefit from the suit or I simply don’t believe in it.

Team Championships 2009

Team Championships 2009

Swiss Team Championships were held on Saturday March 28th and Sunday March 29th at the Nid-du-Crô indoor pool in Neuchâtel. Our men’s team swam the NLA in the afternoon on both days.

Our team was composed of  Buchs Tristan, Comeche Daniel, Courtois Damien, Fornasari Lino, Künzi Aurélien, Massacand Jonathan,  Tschabuschnig Gregory, Tyriseva Yanouck, Waeber Dimitri and myself.

Lancy-Natation only competed in the NLA for the their third year and we all wanted to achieve something special this year. Our goal was to bring home a medal and we knew that 3rd place could be possible if everything would go for us at the meet.

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Championnat Suisse des Clubs Day II

C’est fait … l’équipe du Lancy Natation a réussi de monter sur le podium lors du Championnat Suisse des Clubs à Neuchâtel. Nous avons remporté la 3ème place derrière Uster et Red-Fish avec 20’138 points.